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2022 xinditai "August 1" PK competition

31 Aug 2022 -


Inspire the passion and fighting spirit of business elites! Constantly break through yourself! The company's performance has reached a new level and reached a new high! At the same time, drive the enthusiasm of relevant departments of the company. Ignite the vitality and cohesion of the whole company with the passion of business people!


Aim: friendship first! Second in the race! Fair! Justice!

The competition was in full swing for a month. Everyone reported the battle report in time every day. Everyone in the group also encouraged each other. We were happy. We were opponents and partners!

In this fierce competition, everyone is moving forward towards the personal goal and the collective goal! The spirit of fighting infects all people. No matter how many achievements, I believe that as long as I persist to the last moment, I will be the greatest soldier.

Finally, I hope that the future will be full of surprises and good luck will come!
