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Do you want to make more innovative greeting cards?

30 Nov 2022 -

    As we all know, many holidays will use music greeting cards or voice greeting cards as gifts to their friends. Or relatives to increase the festive atmosphere. The previous greeting card was written in it Write the words of blessing, or write the words you want to say to your beloved. This will let the other person know what you think of her.


    But this is not direct enough. For example, greeting cards also have many new ideas. From music greeting cards, beautiful music may ring out, and now they can be recorded by real people. You record what you want to say into the chip. Then the other party receives it. As long as you open the card, you will play what he said to you, so that you can truly express your thoughts and let the other party truly feel your sincerity to him. The previous words can't really understand each other's thoughts. It feels like reading a book. Not vivid. If you add the greeting card movement of Shenzhen xinditai Electronics Co., Ltd., you can make the voice greeting card live. In addition, there are many funny types of greeting cards, which will make strange music as long as they are opened. Make the other party feel unexpected and even scare the other party.